Hi everyone...
Thank you for reading this Blog. In an effort to make things easier for myself (I was upkeeping 2 separate blogs concurrently), I have decided to merge both Blogs into one. In keeping with the spirit of 3G (we have 3G phones, 3G SAF etc...so why not 3G Blog???), I have found myself a new blogsite that allows me to manage my Blog much better. All my previous posts will still be available in the new site along with a lot more posts from my other blog. So if you would still like to continue reading...look for me at Sunshine After The Rain.
Blessings and I hope to see you there!
Monday, August 20, 2007
Wednesday, August 15, 2007
Booger Removal For Dummies
I think I've somewhat mastered the art of baby booger removal. I've been asking around, trying to find out from people who have walked this road before me, how they do it successfully. I've had many suggestions and I tried them all. We even boought the following state of the art innovations to help us achieve our task:
1) I call this the PIGEON Booger Tweezer
It has rounded tips so you don't damage your baby's nose. However, this gadget only works if the booger has hardened and it is not too far in.
2) The NUK Nose cleaner
This fellow does not really work for us cos' the suction hole is too big for our baby's nose.
3) This is the PIGEON Nose cleaner Suction Syringe
This was what we originally wanted to get but could not find. The syringe tip is small enough to be inserted into the baby's nose and it is soft so it does not injure the baby.
All these were well and good, but the best way I've discovered is...this!
The good old cotton bud.
This is how I do it:
Step 1
Step 2
Wet the cotton tips.
Step 3
Swaddle your baby so that he/she will be easier to handle.
Step 4
Insert the cotton bud into the nose and gently twirl it before making a slight scooping action against the wall of the nose as you remove the cotton bud.
Either of the following should take place:
1) The booger comes out with the cotton bud like it is supposed to.
2) Your baby will feel irritated by the moist cotton bud and sneeze the booger out.
Sometimes, you may need to use a nose cleaner (the suction kind) to suck out the remaining mucus when it is wet.
Points to note when attempting to remove your baby's booger:
1) Have good lighting. Know where the target is before insertion.
2) Be confident and do it swiftly.
3) Be prepared to use your fingers.
I'm thinking of investing in this. It looks like what they use at the clinic, should be more effective. Till then, I'm doing it the primative method...haha!
1) I call this the PIGEON Booger Tweezer
2) The NUK Nose cleaner
3) This is the PIGEON Nose cleaner Suction Syringe
All these were well and good, but the best way I've discovered is...this!
This is how I do it:
Step 1
Step 2
Wet the cotton tips.
Step 3
Swaddle your baby so that he/she will be easier to handle.
Step 4
Insert the cotton bud into the nose and gently twirl it before making a slight scooping action against the wall of the nose as you remove the cotton bud.
Either of the following should take place:
1) The booger comes out with the cotton bud like it is supposed to.
2) Your baby will feel irritated by the moist cotton bud and sneeze the booger out.
Sometimes, you may need to use a nose cleaner (the suction kind) to suck out the remaining mucus when it is wet.
Points to note when attempting to remove your baby's booger:
1) Have good lighting. Know where the target is before insertion.
2) Be confident and do it swiftly.
3) Be prepared to use your fingers.
I'm thinking of investing in this. It looks like what they use at the clinic, should be more effective. Till then, I'm doing it the primative method...haha!
Does anybody talk Goo Goo Ga Ga?
Sometimes I really don't know what Cherise wants. How do you pacify a cranky baby? She's been fed and burped, her diaper's been changed, the surrounding is dark and conducive for sleeping...yet she refuses to sleep and keeps on crying even though she's clearly tired. I wish I could understand what she wanted to tell me. It's interesting how sometimes she just looks at me when I'm carrying her, and she makes some funny noises as if she wanted to tell me something. Usually I'll talk to her and ask her what is it that she wants, and before I know it, she starts crying in frustration. Sigh.... then I'll do everything the books say not to do just to sooth her...I think I'm too soft. But what to do...she's my little princess and I think that's the way it's gonna be for a while. Hunny said something which I tend to agree, when Cherise is cranky, it is a contest of wills - we just have to fight it out with her and see who can last the longest. Like today, I was trying to put her to sleep after she was fed, she kept on struggling with me no matter which position I tried carrying her. In the end I had to force cradle her and let her cry it out until she gave up. I think it kinda worked for a while but she would doze in and out of dreamland so she'll start fussing when she wakes up. Then we'll start all over again.
That is why I'm so proud of Hunny for handling Cherise all by herself when I'm working, especially when I'm on night duty. Being a hands-on dad, I know how difficult it is especially when everything happens at the same time. Take last night for example, Cherise was having a one of those "what-goes-in-will-come-out-BOTH-WAYS" moments. Hunny fed her, burped her and carried her in an upright position for as long as possible. When she put her down, she had a reflux so poor hunny had to clean her up. While doing that, Cherise decided to test mummy's multi-tasking skills by letting it all out from the bottom as well. So Hunny had to leave her on the mattress, go get a pail of warm water to clean Cherise's butt, and when she came back, our darling daughter had regurgitated again. So Hunny had to change her shirt again (the regurgitated milk is all over the mattress and pillow as well.), at the same time change her diapers quickly so that she does not remain lying down. While changing her diapers, Cherise decided that it was a good time to pee....before the diapers went on! Now, tell me how you would feel if you are in Hunny's shoes, taking into consideration that it is 3 am in the morning and you haven't really slept cos' this whole drama happened at the last feed as well. Plus the baby is crying her lungs out cos' NOW she's hungry again...(cos' it's time for her next feed)...if it is not GOD who was keeping her together I don't know who was.
Ok ok, to be fair, Cherise is not really soooo difficult lah. She just has her moments like all babies do. We are quite thankful really, Cherise is actually quite hardy. She does not cry when she regurgitates, she just makes little grunts. She's also pretty easy to carry cos' her neck muscles are quite strong. She's not easily bothered by people talking loudly, she just gets a little over stimulated when people crowd around her. She is quite textbook as some may say, i.e, keep to the schedule and she is quite managable. Most importantly, she loves her bath time!
Anyway, Cherise is officially 1 month old today!!! Yeah!!!! More post about that later...need to get back to daddy day care now!
That is why I'm so proud of Hunny for handling Cherise all by herself when I'm working, especially when I'm on night duty. Being a hands-on dad, I know how difficult it is especially when everything happens at the same time. Take last night for example, Cherise was having a one of those "what-goes-in-will-come-out-BOTH-WAYS" moments. Hunny fed her, burped her and carried her in an upright position for as long as possible. When she put her down, she had a reflux so poor hunny had to clean her up. While doing that, Cherise decided to test mummy's multi-tasking skills by letting it all out from the bottom as well. So Hunny had to leave her on the mattress, go get a pail of warm water to clean Cherise's butt, and when she came back, our darling daughter had regurgitated again. So Hunny had to change her shirt again (the regurgitated milk is all over the mattress and pillow as well.), at the same time change her diapers quickly so that she does not remain lying down. While changing her diapers, Cherise decided that it was a good time to pee....before the diapers went on! Now, tell me how you would feel if you are in Hunny's shoes, taking into consideration that it is 3 am in the morning and you haven't really slept cos' this whole drama happened at the last feed as well. Plus the baby is crying her lungs out cos' NOW she's hungry again...(cos' it's time for her next feed)...if it is not GOD who was keeping her together I don't know who was.
Ok ok, to be fair, Cherise is not really soooo difficult lah. She just has her moments like all babies do. We are quite thankful really, Cherise is actually quite hardy. She does not cry when she regurgitates, she just makes little grunts. She's also pretty easy to carry cos' her neck muscles are quite strong. She's not easily bothered by people talking loudly, she just gets a little over stimulated when people crowd around her. She is quite textbook as some may say, i.e, keep to the schedule and she is quite managable. Most importantly, she loves her bath time!
Anyway, Cherise is officially 1 month old today!!! Yeah!!!! More post about that later...need to get back to daddy day care now!
Thursday, August 9, 2007
Shopping Spree...again
As mentioned in my earlier entry, Hunny and I brought Cherise out for a little shopping spree yesterday after the visit to the doctor. The main aim of the trip was actually to get a proper diaper bag for Cherise (we really cannot stand the bright green one the hospital gave us), and also to pick up some nursing tops for Hunny. There was no better place to shop other than United Square, the mall had everything we were looking for (well...almost), it had facilities for nursing mothers (and they are clean!!), plus it was very near TMC.
Although we initially only wanted to get only a few items, we ended up picking up a few other stuff which we thought were essentials. Mainly, they are:
1) Kiddopotamus Snuzzler
I think I'm a Kiddopotamus convert. Their products look good and feel so comfortable. The Snuzzler goes very well with the CushyStraps we bought a while back. It gives Cherise a more comfortable fit in her stroller, especially the head area.
Close up shot...looks good eh?
It's actually really really very comfie...
2) Skp and Hop Diaper Bag
These series of stroller-friendly Diaper bags are actually made to go with Maclaren Strollers. They come with special clips so that you can attach the bag to the handles of your stroller/pram. See, they even come with matching colours!!!
Same colours as our stroller...chocolate and pink!
It's a nice size too, not too big. But it can store everything that we need to bring out for the baby.
So finally we can say hello to this:
Looks trendy...unlike typical diaper bags...
And goodbye to this!
Enough of free advertisments for TMC!
3) Snuggle Nest by Baby Delight
We never had the intention of having Cherise sleep on the same bed with us. Like most modern parents, we wanted to get our baby accustomed to their own space from the very beginning. But it's really a lot tougher than it sounds. I salute any parent who is able to enforce the "no baby on my bed" rule from the very beginning. We initially left Cherise to sleep in her own cot when we brought her home, however the nights proved very long for us because she had some insecurity issues (very common) and she needed to know someone was there everytime she wakes up. After climbing in and out of bed a zillion times (we have to stand beside her cot to assure her until she falls into deep sleep), we decided to get the co-sleeper by Arms Reach. This was a good buy because baby had her own space yet it was easy for us to monitor her cos' she's just beside us and we can react immediately if she regurgitates (don't want her to choke) or if she really needs our attention. But for the past week, we realised that babies have their moods as well, and there will be times when they need constant soothing. At times like these you can almost forget about puting them down onto their cot cos' they will wake up once they lose human contact and the whole process starts again. This is when the Snuggle Nest comes in handy. We can prevent shifting the baby around too much and thus waking her up by leaving her in this...
The head is slanted at an angle so that the baby does not lie in a flat horizontal position. Prevents them from regurgitating.
It even comes with a night light.
2 out of 3 parents I asked told me that their baby sleeps with them on the bed. I can understand why, it's not just to feel close to the baby, it's also very much about convenience for the parents. But with that comes the danger of parents suffocating their babies by accident. That is why if people wnat to risk having the baby sleeping in their bed, they should invest in something like this.
See...comfortable yet safe for baby.
We also bought a small night light, some baby CDs, oral wipes and other small stuff. I can't wait to bring them out shopping again, God knows what we will buy next!!!
Although we initially only wanted to get only a few items, we ended up picking up a few other stuff which we thought were essentials. Mainly, they are:
1) Kiddopotamus Snuzzler
I think I'm a Kiddopotamus convert. Their products look good and feel so comfortable. The Snuzzler goes very well with the CushyStraps we bought a while back. It gives Cherise a more comfortable fit in her stroller, especially the head area.
2) Skp and Hop Diaper Bag
These series of stroller-friendly Diaper bags are actually made to go with Maclaren Strollers. They come with special clips so that you can attach the bag to the handles of your stroller/pram. See, they even come with matching colours!!!
So finally we can say hello to this:
And goodbye to this!
3) Snuggle Nest by Baby Delight
We never had the intention of having Cherise sleep on the same bed with us. Like most modern parents, we wanted to get our baby accustomed to their own space from the very beginning. But it's really a lot tougher than it sounds. I salute any parent who is able to enforce the "no baby on my bed" rule from the very beginning. We initially left Cherise to sleep in her own cot when we brought her home, however the nights proved very long for us because she had some insecurity issues (very common) and she needed to know someone was there everytime she wakes up. After climbing in and out of bed a zillion times (we have to stand beside her cot to assure her until she falls into deep sleep), we decided to get the co-sleeper by Arms Reach. This was a good buy because baby had her own space yet it was easy for us to monitor her cos' she's just beside us and we can react immediately if she regurgitates (don't want her to choke) or if she really needs our attention. But for the past week, we realised that babies have their moods as well, and there will be times when they need constant soothing. At times like these you can almost forget about puting them down onto their cot cos' they will wake up once they lose human contact and the whole process starts again. This is when the Snuggle Nest comes in handy. We can prevent shifting the baby around too much and thus waking her up by leaving her in this...
2 out of 3 parents I asked told me that their baby sleeps with them on the bed. I can understand why, it's not just to feel close to the baby, it's also very much about convenience for the parents. But with that comes the danger of parents suffocating their babies by accident. That is why if people wnat to risk having the baby sleeping in their bed, they should invest in something like this.
We also bought a small night light, some baby CDs, oral wipes and other small stuff. I can't wait to bring them out shopping again, God knows what we will buy next!!!
The Fours...
I have been Tagged again, this time by Noe on the above....
Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1) Waiter
2) Telemarketer
3) Sales Assistant
4) Soldier
Four Places I have lived:
1) Telok Blangah
2) Pulau Tekong
3) SAFTI Military Institute
4) Bukit Panjang
Four Countries I have been on Vacation:
1) Australia (Melbourne/Perth/Darwin)
2) Thailand (Bankok/Phuket)
3) France
4) HongKong
Four of my Favourite food:
1) Beef
2) Lobster
3) Mango
4) Braised Duck
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) In bed
2) France (vineyard)
3) Mauritius (2nd honeymoon with Hunny...this time with Cherise!)
4) Heaven (Don't have to work anymore!!!)
Four people I'm going to Tag:
1) Modern Na Na (finally you can start a post on your blog)
2) Precious Eve (as above)
3) Princess Jo
4) Hunny
Four Jobs I have had in my life:
1) Waiter
2) Telemarketer
3) Sales Assistant
4) Soldier
Four Places I have lived:
1) Telok Blangah
2) Pulau Tekong
3) SAFTI Military Institute
4) Bukit Panjang
Four Countries I have been on Vacation:
1) Australia (Melbourne/Perth/Darwin)
2) Thailand (Bankok/Phuket)
3) France
4) HongKong
Four of my Favourite food:
1) Beef
2) Lobster
3) Mango
4) Braised Duck
Four places I'd rather be right now:
1) In bed
2) France (vineyard)
3) Mauritius (2nd honeymoon with Hunny...this time with Cherise!)
4) Heaven (Don't have to work anymore!!!)
Four people I'm going to Tag:
1) Modern Na Na (finally you can start a post on your blog)
2) Precious Eve (as above)
3) Princess Jo
4) Hunny
Super Woman
I was on duty again last night so Hunny had to handle Cherise all by herself. I thought that she will be very tired during the day since my MIL took a "day off" from baby sitting today. But guess what??? Not only was Hunny able to tend to Cherise all by herself (I needed to take a nap when I got home), she also had the energy to scrap! It helps to have the baby in the sarong sling. Cherise feels secure when she's close to mummy and mummy can go about doing what she wants.
Hunny using the sling.
Cherise feeling very comfortable...
Scrapaholic at work...
Back to scrapping after a long break...
I think the both of us are finally getting used to the changes in our lives. Really need to thank God for his strength through out these past weeks. Cherise is getting easier to handle as the days go by, partly because we are reading her cues correctly. Can't wait for the day when she starts playing with us...
I think the both of us are finally getting used to the changes in our lives. Really need to thank God for his strength through out these past weeks. Cherise is getting easier to handle as the days go by, partly because we are reading her cues correctly. Can't wait for the day when she starts playing with us...
That's a big booger!
As I mentioned in my last post, we needed to pay a visit to the PD to get Cherise's nose cleared. It was a quick process, first the doctor taught me how to do it but because the booger was all dried up and stuck too deep into her nose, the nurse had to insert a super thin catheter into her nose to suck the stuff out. The catheter was attached to a machine that does two things, to spray tiny amounts of water into the nose (to wet the booger) and to suck it out. Kinda works like the Osim I-ecology. Anyway, the nurse managed to suck out quite a big chunk of booger...the kind you'll only expect from an adult. How in the world did all that get in there? And that was only yesterday! Today, I managed to dig out another big piece!!! Now I must check everyday...if she does not sneeze them out herself, I'll have to "go in" and get it out before it all dries up and gets stuck again. I really do not wish to pay another $70 to use some special booger remover.
Anyway, as expected, it was quite an ordeal for Cherise. I mean how would YOU feel if somebody stuck something up your nose?!?! So there was a little bit of serious crying but she calmed down pretty quickly after that. It must have been a tramatic experience for her because she was so exhausted from that short crying that she fell asleep very quickly. And she stayed asleep for more than 4 hours. Not a bad thing anyway cos' we managed to squeeze in a short shopping trip before we headed back home. The trip was short but fruitful, I'll post more about the purchases later. As for now, here's a picture a Cherise in her rocking chair, we like to put her in it after she feeds to prevent her from regurgitating (she tends to if she's lyiing down).

More updates in a while!!
Anyway, as expected, it was quite an ordeal for Cherise. I mean how would YOU feel if somebody stuck something up your nose?!?! So there was a little bit of serious crying but she calmed down pretty quickly after that. It must have been a tramatic experience for her because she was so exhausted from that short crying that she fell asleep very quickly. And she stayed asleep for more than 4 hours. Not a bad thing anyway cos' we managed to squeeze in a short shopping trip before we headed back home. The trip was short but fruitful, I'll post more about the purchases later. As for now, here's a picture a Cherise in her rocking chair, we like to put her in it after she feeds to prevent her from regurgitating (she tends to if she's lyiing down).
More updates in a while!!
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