Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Does anybody talk Goo Goo Ga Ga?

Sometimes I really don't know what Cherise wants. How do you pacify a cranky baby? She's been fed and burped, her diaper's been changed, the surrounding is dark and conducive for sleeping...yet she refuses to sleep and keeps on crying even though she's clearly tired. I wish I could understand what she wanted to tell me. It's interesting how sometimes she just looks at me when I'm carrying her, and she makes some funny noises as if she wanted to tell me something. Usually I'll talk to her and ask her what is it that she wants, and before I know it, she starts crying in frustration. Sigh.... then I'll do everything the books say not to do just to sooth her...I think I'm too soft. But what to do...she's my little princess and I think that's the way it's gonna be for a while. Hunny said something which I tend to agree, when Cherise is cranky, it is a contest of wills - we just have to fight it out with her and see who can last the longest. Like today, I was trying to put her to sleep after she was fed, she kept on struggling with me no matter which position I tried carrying her. In the end I had to force cradle her and let her cry it out until she gave up. I think it kinda worked for a while but she would doze in and out of dreamland so she'll start fussing when she wakes up. Then we'll start all over again.

That is why I'm so proud of Hunny for handling Cherise all by herself when I'm working, especially when I'm on night duty. Being a hands-on dad, I know how difficult it is especially when everything happens at the same time. Take last night for example, Cherise was having a one of those "what-goes-in-will-come-out-BOTH-WAYS" moments. Hunny fed her, burped her and carried her in an upright position for as long as possible. When she put her down, she had a reflux so poor hunny had to clean her up. While doing that, Cherise decided to test mummy's multi-tasking skills by letting it all out from the bottom as well. So Hunny had to leave her on the mattress, go get a pail of warm water to clean Cherise's butt, and when she came back, our darling daughter had regurgitated again. So Hunny had to change her shirt again (the regurgitated milk is all over the mattress and pillow as well.), at the same time change her diapers quickly so that she does not remain lying down. While changing her diapers, Cherise decided that it was a good time to pee....before the diapers went on! Now, tell me how you would feel if you are in Hunny's shoes, taking into consideration that it is 3 am in the morning and you haven't really slept cos' this whole drama happened at the last feed as well. Plus the baby is crying her lungs out cos' NOW she's hungry again...(cos' it's time for her next feed)...if it is not GOD who was keeping her together I don't know who was.

Ok ok, to be fair, Cherise is not really soooo difficult lah. She just has her moments like all babies do. We are quite thankful really, Cherise is actually quite hardy. She does not cry when she regurgitates, she just makes little grunts. She's also pretty easy to carry cos' her neck muscles are quite strong. She's not easily bothered by people talking loudly, she just gets a little over stimulated when people crowd around her. She is quite textbook as some may say, i.e, keep to the schedule and she is quite managable. Most importantly, she loves her bath time!

Anyway, Cherise is officially 1 month old today!!! Yeah!!!! More post about that later...need to get back to daddy day care now!


Emma's Daddy said...

Cherise! blessed 1 month! =)

Uncle Roy and Auntie Ade

soulman said...

Thank you Uncle Roy and Auntie Ade! Can't wait for Emma to come out so we can play together!

Ah Keong & Ah Hwan said...

Hi Adrian

what you are going through with Cherise is common. Trevor did that to us too, and still doing that to us at times...

Hang in there, you and jasmine... like my cell member(a mother of 2) says: It will only get better each day...

John & Ivy

soulman said...

Hi John and Ivy,
Thanks for your encouragement. It's good to know that we have friends around for support. BTW, Trevor is really CUTE!!!