I've learnt so much about the Father's love from my own experiences with my little girl. How she depends totally on mummy and daddy to meet her every need, is exactly the way God the Father was us to be with Him. When she cries, she knows that someone will come to her rescue. At times, she does not even need to say anything and mummy and daddy will know exactly what she needs and meet that need at the right moment. Isn't it just how it is with God? He's never early and never late...always right on time.
Speaking about being right on time...it is not always easy to capture those "Kodak" moments of Cherise because it always happens so fast. But once you learn always to arm yourself with a camera when "handling" her, you get rewarded with priceless pictures like these...
her expression is so Mei Mei.
Really??? I haven't seen Mei Mei's poo poo face before....hmm...is there something about you girls I should know about?!?!?!
not her poo poo face. i dun wish to see tt either. haha. but her expression when she is stress.
oh gosh - can't believe it.. you mean baby looks like me when she poos??
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